
2016年12月15日,“大数据环境下的网络空间安全国际学术系列研讨会”第七场邀请法国电信学院副教授张宗华作了题目为 “SDN与网络安全:加固了防护之盾还是磨快了攻击之矛?(Security in Software-Defined Networking: Strengthening the Shield or Sharpening the Spear ?)” 的学术报告。信息安全系王伟老师主持报告会,常晓林老师、何永忠老师以及信息安全系博士生等参加了报告会。




张宗华简历 Zonghua Zhang is currently an associate professor of Institute Mines-Telecom/TELECOM Lille. He used to work as expert researcher at the Information Security Research Center of NICT, Japan, and postdoc researcher at the University of Waterloo, Canada and INRIA, France. He holds a Ph.D. degree (JAIST, Japan) in information science, and a HDR diploma (accreditation to supervise research from UPMC, France) in computer science. Zonghua’s research covers a broad spectrum of security topics such as anomaly detection, network forensics, security management, reputation systems, and security protocols in different type of computer and communication networks. The current targeted scenarios mainly cover the next generation networking paradigms such as Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), as well as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) like e-healthcare and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). He serves as the editorial board member of Computer & Security (COSE), Security and Communication Networks (SCN), International Journal of Network Security (IJNS), and IEEE Communications Magazine.