Author: wangwei

Undergraduate students under my supervision win the third-place prize for National Contest

Undergraduate students (Jiayi Li, Buyu Liu and Shaotong Li) under my supervision win the third-place prize for National undergraduate Electronic Design Contest – 2014 Information Security Technology Invitational Contest held in Xi’an during August 4-9, 2014. (我指导的三名本科生参加2014年全国大学生电子设计竞赛信息安全技术专题邀请赛,最终获得三等奖)

A paper accepted by Knowledge-Based Systems (IF=4.104)

Our paper entitled “Autonomic Intrusion Detection: Adaptively Detecting Anomalies over Unlabeled Audit Data Streams in Computer Networks” has been accepted by Knowledge-Based Systems. The Impact Factor of Knowledge-Based Systems is 4.104.