Publications 刘吉强(Jiqiang Liu)文章发表情况
- Shuo Qiu, Jiqiang Liu, Yanfeng Shi, Rui Zhang. “Hidden policy CP-ABE with keyword search.” (Accepted by Science China Information Sciences, 2015)
- Shuo Qiu, Jiqiang Liu, Yanfeng Shi, Ming Li, Wei Wang. “Identity-based private matching over outsourced encrypted datasets.” (Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2015)
- Bianqing Yuan, Jiqiang Liu, A universally composable secure grouping-proof protocol for RFID tags , Concurrency Computation, 2015(Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press)
- Bianqing Yuan, Jiqiang Liu, A universally composable secure group ownership transfer protocol for RFID tags, Jisuanji Yanjiu yu Fazhan/Computer Research and Development, v 52, n 10, PP 2323-2331, October 1, 2015
- Bianqing Yuan, Jiqiang Liu, Provable secure ownership transfer protocol for RFID tag ,Tongxin Xuebao/Journal on Communications, v 36, n 8, PP83-90,August 1, 2015
- Wei Wang, Yongzhong He, Jiqiang Liu, Sylvain Gombault,Constructing important features from massive network traffic for lightweight intrusion detection, IET Information Security,Vol.9,No.6, 2015
- Changlong Tang, Jiqiang Liu, Selecting a trusted cloud service provider for your SaaS program, Computer & Security, Volume 50, May 2015, Pages 60–73
- Guang Yang, Jiqiang Liu, Lei Han, An ID-based node key management scheme based on PTPM in MANETs, Security And Communication Networks [J] , (2015) (Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press)
- Xuezhen Huang, Jiqiang Liu, Zhen Han, Privacy beyond sensitive values. SCIENCE CHINA-INFORMATION SCIENCES, Vol.58,No.7, pp.166-180,2015,SCIENCE PRESS, ISSN: 1674-733X, WOS:000358136300014
- Bin Wang, Xiaolin Chang, Jiqiang Liu: Modeling Heterogeneous Virtual Machines on IaaS Data Centers. IEEE Communication Letter , Vol. 19, No. 4 , PP: 537-540, April 2015,DOI:10.1109/LCOMM.2015.2403832.
- Yanfeng Shi, Jiqiang Liu, Zhen Han, Shuo Qiu. Deterministic attribute based encryption. International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking, accept, tentative publication date 2015.
- Xiaolin Chang, Bin Wang, Jiqiang Liu, Jogesh K. Muppala, Modeling Active Virtual Machines on IaaS Clouds Using a M/G/m/m+K Queue, Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
- Yanfeng Shi, Qingji Zheng, Jiqiang Liu, Zhen Han,etc., Direct Credential Revocation and Verifiable Ciphertext Delegation for Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption, Information Sciences 295(2015):221-231
- Bin Xing, Zhen Han, Xiaolin Chang and Jiqiang Liu, OB-IMA: out-of-the-box integrity measurement approach for guest virtual machines, Concurrency And Computation: Practice And Experience, Vol.27 ,No.5, PP: 1092-1109,2015.4
- Xuezhen Huang, Jiqiang Liu, Zhen Han, Jun Yang, Privacy-preserving publishing for streaming data, Journal of Computational Information Systems, v 11, n 5, p 1863-1877, March 1, 2015
- Guang Yang, Jiqiang Liu, Threshold public key cryptosystem for encrypting long messages, Journal of Computational Information Systems, Vol.11, No. 2, p 671-681, January 15, 2015
- Yanfeng Shi, Jiqiang Liu, Zhen Han, Qingji Zheng, Rui Zhang, Shuo Qiu. Attribute-Based Proxy Re-encryption with Keyword Search, 2014, PLoS ONE 9(12),PP1-24: e116325, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0116325.
- Zhonghua Wang, Zhen Han,Jiqiang Liu, File sharing scheme for multi-user in cloud environment , Jisuanji Yanjiu yu Fazhan/Computer Research and Development, v 51, n 12, p 2614-2622, December 1, 2014
- Shuo Qiu, Jiqiang Liu, Yanfeng Shi, Zhen Han. Multi-party identity-based symmetric privacy-preserving matching with cloud storage. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, Oct.2014, Vol 19, issue 5, pp 426-432
- Wei Wang, Xing Wang, Dawei Feng, Jiqiang Liu, Zhen Han, and Xiangliang Zhang, Exploring Permission-Induced Risk in Android Applications for Malicious Application Detection, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 9, No. 11,pp1869-1882, November 2014,IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. ISSN: 1556-6013, WOS:000343884600004
- Xuezhen Huang, Jiqiang Liu, Zhen Han, A New Anonymity Model For Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing, China Communications, Vol.11, No.9, PP: 47-59 , SEP 2014
- 原变青, 刘吉强, 基于NFC的离线可分享移动优惠券方案, 山东大学学报(理学版), Vol.49, No.9, PP:24-29, 2014.9
- Xing Liu, Jiqiang Liu, A Two-layered Permission-based Android Malware Detection Scheme, IEEE Mobile Cloud 2014, 2014.4
- Shuo Qiu, Jiqiang Liu, etc, Identity-Based Symmetric Private Set Intersection,SocialCom2013, 2013.9
- Xun Chen, Zhen Han, Jiqiang Liu, Data protection technology in classified networks, Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, v 42, n 1, p 144-148, January 2013
- Wang, Wenbo; Chang, Xiaolin; Liu, Jiqiang; Wang, Bin, Simulated annealing based resource allocation for cloud data centers, GECCO 2013 – Proceedings of the 2013 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, p 81-82, 2013
- Chang, Xiaolin; Wang, Bin; Liu, Jiqiang; Wang, Wenbo; Muppala, Jogesh K. , Green cloud virtual network provisioning based ant colony optimization, GECCO 2013 – Proceedings of the 2013 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, p 1553-1560, 2013
- Bin Wang, Xiaolin Chang, Jiqiang Liu, Jogesh K. Muppala: Reducing power consumption in embedding virtual infrastructures. GLOBECOM Workshops 2012: 714-718
- Xiaolin Chang, Jogesh K. Muppala, Bin Wang, Jiqiang Liu, Longmei Sun: Migration cost aware virtual network re-embedding in presence of resource failures. ICON 2012: 24-29
- Xiaolin Chang, Bin Wang, Jiqiang Liu: Network state aware virtual network parallel embedding. IPCCC 2012: 193-194
- Chang, Xiaolin; Liu, Jiqiang; Xing, Bin; Yuan, Zhonglan,Lightweight, scalable and OS-transparent remote attestation of runtime program, Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 198-199, p 506-511, 2012, Applied Mechanics, Mechatronics Automation and System Simulation
- Guo, Yu ; Liu, Jiqiang; Shen, Changxiang,Trusted dynamic self-confidence migration of cloud service, International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, v 4, n 7, p 92-101, 2012
- YUAN Zhong-lan, XIA Guang-sheng, LIU Ji-qiang,HAN Zhen, “Cheat Immune and Traceable Visual Cryptography Scheme”, JDCTA: , Vol. 6, No. 21, pp. 226 ~ 237, 2012
- 韩磊, 刘吉强, 魏学业,侯杰. 基于便携式可信平台模块的Ad Hoc网络密钥管理应用研究[J]。北京工业大学学报,2012,38(11):1676-1682。
- 韩磊,刘吉强,韩臻,魏学业,移动ad hoc网络预分配非对称密钥管理方案 [J] 。通信学报,2012,33(10):26-34
- 黄学臻,韩臻,刘吉强.数据分级匿名的访问控制模型。第二十二届全国信息保密学术会议(IS2012)论文集:174-177
- 陈勋,韩臻,刘吉强.涉密网络中的数据保护技术.第九届中国信息与通信安全学术会议CCICS 2012
- Jie Hou, Lei Han, Jiqiang Liu, Jia Zhao, Secure and Efficient Protocol for Position-based Routing in VANETs, ICADE p 142-148, 2012. 7
- Yanfeng Shi, Jiqiang Liu, Zhen Han, Rongrong Fu. A Generic construction of certificateless signcryption. ICISCE 2012.
- 韩磊, 刘吉强, 赵佳, 魏学业. 移动Ad Hoc网络分布式轻量级CA密钥管理方案[J] .四川大学学报(工程科学版),2011,43(6):133-139.
- Xuezhen Huang, Jiqiang Liu, Zhen Han, A Security and Privacy Model for Electronic Health Records, Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Information Theory and Information Security, 2011, PP416- 420.
- Jiqiang Liu, Sheng Zhong, Lei Han and Haifan Yao, An Identity-Based Cryptosystem for Encrypting Long Messages, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control,Volume 7, Number 6, PP.3295-3302, 2011
- Rui Zhang, Jiqiang Liu, Zhen Han, RBTBAC: Secure Access and Management of EHR Data,International Conference on Information Society, PP494-499. 2011.7
- Lei Han, Jiqiang Liu, Zhen Han, Xueye Wei: Design and implementation of a portable TPM scheme for general-purpose trusted computing based on EFI. Frontiers of Computer Science in China 5(2): 169-180 (2011)
- Ye Du, Jiqiang Liu, Ruhui Zhang, Jieyuan Li: A Dynamic Security Mechanism for Web Services Based on NDIS Intermediate Drivers. Journal of Computers 6(10): 2021-2028
- Jiqiang Liu, Xun Chen, Zhen Han, Full and Partial Deniability for Authentication Schemes, Frontiers of Computer Science in China Volume 4, Number 4, 516-521,2010
- Zhao, J., Han, Z., Liu, J., Zhang, R. Remote attestation based on trusted cryptography module, Beijing Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University 34 (2), pp. 33-37,2010
- Han L, Liu JQ, Han Z. Research on Key Management Schemes for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks[C]. PROCEEDINGS OF 2010 CROSS-STRAIT CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2010:225-229.
- Wang ZH, Han Z, Liu JQ, Detect Technology about Smart Card, PROCEEDINGS OF 2010 CROSS-STRAIT CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, July 2010:723-728
- Fan Wu, Sheng Zhong, Jiqiang Liu, An Optimal, Strategy-proof Scheme for Multi-path Traffic Assignment in Non-cooperative Networks, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 9, NO. 3, 1012-1021, MARCH 2010
- Rui Zhang, Jiqiang Liu, Zhen Han, Lijuan Zheng: An IBE scheme using ECC combined public key. Computers & Electrical Engineering 36 (6): 1046-1054 (2010)
- Xiaolin CHANG, Bin XING, Jiqiang Liu, “LWRM: A Lightweight Response Mechanism for TCG TOCTOU Attack”, In Proc. the 28th IEEE IPCCC, 2009.
- Rui Zhang, Jiqiang Liu, Shuanghe Peng. A Trusted Bootstrap Scheme on EFI, 2009 International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security (MINES 2009), PP200-204, 2009. 11
- Lei Han, Jiqiang Liu, Dawei Zhang, Zhen Han, and Xueye Wei, A Portable TPM Scheme for General-purpose Trusted Computing Based on EFI,PP140-143, International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security, PP140-143,2009 .11
- Jiqiang Liu, Sheng Zhong, A Practical Time Bound Hierarchical Key Scheme,Vol.5, No.10, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control,PP3241-3248, 2009.10
- 姚崎,刘吉强,韩臻,沈昌祥, 面向多核处理器的Linux网络报文缓冲区重用机制研究, 通信学报,Vol.30, No.9, PP102-108,2009.9
- 韩磊,刘吉强,韩臻,魏学业,基于移动终端的VPN安全访问控制,第六届中国信息和通信安全学术会议,PP861-866, 2009
- 刘吉强,赵佳,赵勇, 可信计算中远程自动匿名证明的研究,计算机学报,Vol.32, No.7, PP 1304-1310,2009.7
- Li MeiHong,Liu JiQiang,USB key-based approach for software protection,2009 International Conference on Industrial Mechatronics and Automation, ICIMA 2009,PP151-153, 2009. 5
- Jiqiang Liu, Sheng Zhong, Analysis of Kim-Jeon-Yoo Password Authentication Schemes, Cryptologia,Volume 33 , Issue 2,Pages 183-187,2009.4
- 章睿,刘吉强,赵佳,一种基于ID的传感器网络密钥管理方案,电子与信息学报,Vol.31, No.4, PP 929-933,2009.7
- 赵佳,韩臻,刘吉强,沈昌祥,XTR体制下基于身份特征的数字签名算法,信号处理, 2009年3月, 25(3): 498-502.
- Fan Wu; Jiqiang Liu, Sheng Zhong,An Efficient Protocol for Private and Accurate Mining of Support Counts,Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 30, Issue 1, January 2009, 80–86